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3 Ways To Shop Smarter

Spring is just around the corner, am I right my fellow friends?! Spring always brings around this need for us to clean out all of our winter clothes, and refresh our wardrobe with brand new items for the warmer weather.

One of the #1 rules of shopping is to always make sure you include some minimalistic pieces in your wardrobe that you can mix and match with everything. I'll be honest and say this is something I struggle with when I go shopping. I'm always looking for the statement pieces, and then forget to buy items that I can dress pieces down with.

So in honor of revamping our closets for the upcoming season, today I'm sharing 3 ways to shop smarter, and questions to ask yourself before your purchase and item for your wardrobe.

Hopefully these will help you create a more versatile wardrobe for yourself as well!

1) Does this fit well with my every day lifestyle?

This is so important. Think about your everyday lifestyle, your job, and daily activities. Does this item fit most, if not all of your own categories?

2) Do I have 2-3 interchangeable ways to pair this item with?

I never want to purchase a piece that I cannot wear more than 2 ways. If no ideas come to mind with what to wear with then item, then I usually don’t move forward with the purchase.

3) Do I have anything in my wardrobe similar?

This one is easier said than done. I tend to like the same style of clothes so I find my closet is full of the same types of items! But what about this piece makes it different?

You can grab my look here!

I hope you all have a great day, and this helped for your Spring shopping!!

Meet Serena

Daughter, sister, significant other, leader, passionate, dreamer, believer.

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